Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Buenos Aires SIDA

Buenos Aires SIDA

Mission of the organization
a) and personalized telephone counseling
b) Training workshops and training of multipliers aimed at teenagers and young
c) Two hydrants free distribution of condoms (in the neighborhoods of Constitution and Flores): articulated with the Network of Distribution of condoms for AIDS Coordination belonging to the Ministry of Health, Government of the City of Buenos Aires, distributing 20,000 condoms a month especially:

Transvestites who perform sex work or in prostitution (as the very definition of each) or in situations of sexual exploitation (in the case of minors)

Massive youth events (articulated with the DINAJU and Dir. Youth City)

Public and Private Schools (skills articulated with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health, the Provincial AIDS and the same schools), this activity requires 15,000 condoms a month are provided by the company Kopelco SA (Condoms tulip)

Drug users (prevention of sexual transmission in users / as drugs and their sexual partners and promoting strategies for reducing damage)
d) Campaigns Target developed in nightclubs
Distinct activities in:

Discos for teenagers Nightclubs of the Movida Bailantera Gay discos in attendance and / or transvestite e) Distribution of three video-clips of HIV / AIDS prevention (developed by the FBAS) Video I managed to gays, lesbians and transvestites "It's Good Taste Pamper yourself" Video II addressed to heterosexual (Techno-dance music), "fun and We Care" Video III addressed to heterosexual (music Bailantera-Tropical), "Bailamos fun and take care of us" f) "Every day can be Children's Day" activity in secondary prevention and solidarity with people living with HIV / AIDS who are being held at the Francisco Muniz Hospital g) prevention in high schools (polymodal and third cycle of EGB) in Capital Federal, Buenos Aires and Municipalities of the other


AIDS 2008 - XVII International AIDS Conference 3-8 August 2008, Mexico City

08 August 2008
AIDS 2008 closes in Mexico

The XVII International AIDS Conference has ended in the Mexican capital after five days of spirited participation involving an estimated 22,000 people engaged in the global response to AIDS.

07 August 2008
International Rally for Human Rights and HIV

This rally brought together HIV and human rights organizations from around the world to call for vastly greater attention to human rights in the response to HIV and express support for populations at higher risk for HIV. During the rally, a copy of “Now More than Ever”, a declaration on HIV and human rights endorsed by over 500 organizations worldwide was accepted on stage by Global Fund Executive Director Michel Kazatchkine, IAS Executive Director Craig McClure and UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot.

07 August 2008
Looking to the Future--The Epidemic in 2031 and New Directions in AIDS Research

Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS took part in a Special Session co-chaired by Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, Director, Regulation of Retroviral Infections Unit, Institut Pasteur and Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet. Dr Piot spoke on the 2031 initiative: "Looking to the year 2031 and anticipating where we are likely to be in terms of the epidemic and the response."

06 August 2008
Red Ribbon Award winners honoured

Representatives of 25 Red Ribbon Award 2008 winning communities were guests of honour at a formal Award Ceremony and Dinner held last night in Mexico City.

06 August 2008
International AIDS Society marks 20 years

2008 marks the 20th anniversary of the IAS and to commemorate the last 20 years, the IAS held a special event bringing together a number of past IAS Presidents, including Dr Peter Piot, UNAIDS Executive Director and UN Special Envoy for AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia as well as Founding President of the IAS, Professor Lars O. Kallings.

05 August 2008
Special Session on the global financial architecture for AIDS

The shifting dynamics of the AIDS global financial architecture were explored in depth at a Special Session held on 5 August during the International AIDS Conference taking place in Mexico. Michel Sidibe, Assistant Secretary General and Deputy Executive Director of Programmes, UNAIDS, discussed the challenges to ensuring that global standards are upheld as services are scaled up.

05 August 2008
IAVI launches 2008 AIDS vaccine blueprint in Mexico City

With the release of its biennial AIDS Vaccine Blueprint 2008 at the International AIDS Conference today in Mexico City, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) seeks to reset both expectations and focus in the search for an AIDS vaccine.

05 August 2008
Official opening of the Global Village at AIDS 2008

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot officially opened the Global Village at AIDS 2008, which for the coming week will be an open dialogue space where thousands of visitors will share knowledge and skills.

04 August 2008
AIDS 2008 opens in Mexico

With great celebration and a characteristically warm Latin American welcome, the XVII International AIDS Conference opened on Sunday 3 August in Mexico City. Thousands of delegates from all over the world will spend the next week participating in conference sessions, satellite meetings, exhibitions as well as the Global Village and a wide cultural programme.

03 August 2008
Leaders pledge to promote sexual health to stop HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean

At the conclusion of the 1st Meeting of Ministers of Education and Health to stop HIV in Latin America and the Caribbean, Ministers have signed an historic declaration committing to provide comprehensive sex education to adolescents and young people in the region.

03 August 2008
Faith community reaches out to people living with HIV

Engaging in an act of “humility and repentance,” a world church leader began his presentation to an international ecumenical AIDS conference by washing the feet of two women living with HIV.

02 August 2008
First Ladies and women leaders of Latin America meet in Mexico
The Coalition of First Ladies and Women Leaders of Latin America on Women and AIDS met on 2 August and approved a statement reaffirming their commitment to advocate for improved HIV services for women and ’s health.

31 July 2008
Dr Peter Piot attends opening ceremony of Positive Leadership Forum

UNAIDS Executive Director Dr Peter Piot attended "Living 2008", the 2 day Positive Leadership Forum taking place in Mexico 31 July-1 August 2008.

350 HIV-positive global leaders and advocates from 88 countries have come together to discuss a range of issues in the AIDS response impacting people living with HIV worldwide.

31 July 2008
MSM and the global HIV epidemic
Ahead of AIDS 2008, a two day forum being held in Mexico will focus on men who have sex with men and HIV. In many parts of the world social taboos largely prevent sustained discussion on the issue and have inhibited efforts to promote safer sexual relations.

30 July 2008
Positive Leadership Summit 2008

Ahead of the Positive Leadership Summit which will begin in Mexico City on 31 July, unaids.org asked Kate Thomson, UNAIDS Chief of Civil Society Partnerships to reflect on the changing leadership role of the global positive community and today’s outstanding issues.

The XVII International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2008) will be held in México City, México from 3-8 August 2008 under the theme Universal Action Now. The International AIDS Conference is the world’s largest HIV forum, with over 20,000 participants and 3,000 international media expected and it is the first International AIDS Conference to be held in Latin America.

AIDS 2008 will provide many opportunities for the presentation of important new scientific research and for productive, structured dialogue on the major challenges facing the global response to AIDS.

AIDS 2008 is convened by the International AIDS Society (IAS) with the support of local partners such as the federal government of Mexico, the Government of Mexico City and local scientific and community leadership. UNAIDS and its cosponsors are among the international institutional partners for AIDS 2008.